
1. Enjin (ENJ): Enjin Coin, created by Enjin, is a cryptocurrency used for virtual goods in the gaming industry. Enjin is the largest online gaming community platform with over 250,000 gaming communities and 18.7 million registered players. As the gaming industry is likely to be the first to adopt blockchain on a large scale, Enjin Coin has immense potential.

2. Cardano (ADA): As a third-generation decentralized application (DApp) and smart contract platform, Cardano stands out from Ethereum, EOS, and Tron. Cardano's design philosophy is based on three key principles: scalability (ability to handle increasing numbers of transactions), interoperability (compatibility and ease of communication between devices), and sustainability (a secure and decentralized platform that can be continually developed and maintained).

3. Nash Exchange (NEX): As security token offerings (STOs) become more popular, Nash Exchange plays a crucial role. Nash is a registered security token that has participated in and led numerous development projects. Nash Exchange is a decentralized exchange that allows users who hold NEX tokens to receive dividend payments.

4. Basic Attention Token (BAT): BAT addresses issues related to online advertising. Companies like Google and Facebook use user data for targeted advertising without their knowledge and middlemen take a large slice of ad revenue. Brave Browser, which supports BAT, has seen exponential growth in the past 6-12 months, making it one of the fastest growing blockchain ecosystems.

5. Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink solves the problem of smart contracts not being able to obtain external data. Oracle networks bring external data onto the blockchain and Chainlink is a leading provider. Companies like Google support Chainlink's development making it a promising investment. However, the development team retains 650 million LINK tokens with only 350 million currently in circulation.

6. Ethereum (ETH): As a top cryptocurrency, with a vast ecosystem, Ethereum has long outgrown being considered an altcoin. Though some analysts are skeptical about Ethereum's long-term growth potential, its short-term prospects remain strong.






